To access each of the animations below click on the title name. If it is password protected please type in creative*.
Miller Heiman’s “Scout”
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
Miller Heiman Group (MHG) pioneered the notion of solution selling. In the last 5 years, it’s been transformed to embody a broader set of capabilities around training, technology, research and consulting to bring a full service sales performance solution to its clients. As a seller, one must understand what the buyer is buying and under what circumstances. Using its new platform, SCOUT, MHG is able to look at the data and help both sellers and execs better determine the probability of a sale and the story behind it.
Cotton Inc. Comfort Animation
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
Food, shelter and clothing are some basic needs associated with comfort and can all be provided from Cotton! In this :45 second animation, we highlight some of those products you never would have thought come from Cotton like shampoo and hotdogs!
The elements were designed with a certain texture while the animator utilized light and camera angles to make the elements appear 3D when in reality they were 2D.
Cotton Inc. Microfiber Animation
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
Cotton has a bad reputation of being bad for the environment, but in actuality it actually is more biodegradable than most fabrics. We produced this animation in a series of animations for Cotton Inc. in hopes of positioning the cotton crop as a sustainable plant that offers a lot outside of just clothing. This animation shows how cotton breaks down in water compared to other fibers.
Cision Investor Relations Platform
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
This animation depicts the functionality of the Cision IR platform and has been used a B2B sales tool for Cision sales to showcase the platform to potential and recurring clients.
National UNCF Virtual Walk For Education Invite and Show
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation for Invite Teaser and Show
The United Negro College Funds (UNCF) Virtual Walk for Education is a nationwide initiative to raise the critical funds UNCF needs to fulfill our mission of support to our member HBCUs and to help students pursue their educational endeavors prepared for active participation in society. This year with the pandemic participants will be asked to join virtually on Sept. 19 2020 to make a donation and celebrate with UNCF during a nationwide virtual event featuring celebrities, member presidents, students, alumni and others.
You can find the FULL SHOW HERE
Marketo Marketing Metrics
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
Marketo is a marketing automation software company that was recently acquired by Adobe. They wanted to do an animation that was targeted towards C-suite executives in order to peak their interests in finding out more information about Marketo’s account-based marketing metrics and analytics software.
MSC Cruise Future Guest Experience
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
Smart technology is all around us and the travel industry is next in line to deliver ultra-high definition experiences for guests. We worked with MSC Cruises to produce this mixed media animation. We decided on a futuristic tone that matched the tailormade experiences they are providing guests such as a personalized assistant in each cabin, Anthropo-tainment and Eco-conscious destinations.
Tektronix 70th year Anniversary
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
On the eve of their 70th anniversary, Tektronix was excited to share their new logo. The upward angle points towards the next phase of our evolution, one that focuses on accelerating the realization of innovative, world-changing technologies.
Web MD/Medscape Opioid Misuse and Addiction
Concepts, Storyboard, & Asset Creation
WebMD and its sister site, Medscape, conducted surveys online, asking questions about issues including opioid prescribing practices, use and disposal of these meds, and beliefs and awareness surrounding misuse and addiction.